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Jeremy Bamber Case Discussion / Re: Refer or not!
« Last post by handyman on Today at 11:27 PM »
Really?  The fact you perceive it this way does not mean everyone else will!  How is he going to become very wealthy?  What's your definition of "very wealthy"? 

Even if his conviction is overturned no one is going to declare him innocent.  Many will still consider him guilty.  And no one knows how the youger generations will view the case who were either not around or too young to remember.  Then there's a large immigrant population most of whom are probably unfamiliar with the case.  What role would SM play?  Would someone want to take a pop at him?  PR dream?  Or disaster?

If released he'll probably end up the same as David Baine. Down here in NZ half the population still think he's guilty.
But what ever happens I cannot see Mr Bamber getting the re-trial which he should have got decades ago.
Jeremy Bamber Case Discussion / Re: Refer or not!
« Last post by ILB on Today at 11:22 PM »
I did read what you said and you didn't mention book deals etc.  Even former PM's autobiographies don't net that much.  Why would book authors, tv interviews, story exclusives with JB net him more?  How would it be of interest to the public?  The monotony and minutiae of prison life: 'I saved a few crumbs from my stale white bread roll and fed them to a sparrow through my cell window'  :)  'Once a bird magnet, always a bird magnet'  ;D

Rumour has it you are putting him up in your spare bedroom till he gets a place   ;D
Jeremy Bamber Case Discussion / Re: Refer or not!
« Last post by ILB on Today at 11:21 PM »
I did read what you said and you didn't mention book deals etc.  Even former PM's autobiographies don't net that much.  Why would book authors, tv interviews, story exclusives with JB net him more?  How would it be of interest to the public?  The monotony and minutiae of prison life: 'I saved a few crumbs from my stale white bread roll and fed them to a sparrow through my cell window'  :)  'Once a bird magnet, always a bird magnet'  ;D


Don't be argumentative for the sake of it

Jeremy Bamber Case Discussion / Re: Refer or not!
« Last post by Cambridgecutie on Today at 11:15 PM »
Read what I said.

Book deals, tv interviews, etc etc, story exclusives. The hype would die down. But the story is fascinating.

You know this. We all perceive this.

I did read what you said and you didn't mention book deals etc.  Even former PM's autobiographies don't net that much.  Why would book authors, tv interviews, story exclusives with JB net him more?  How would it be of interest to the public?  The monotony and minutiae of prison life: 'I saved a few crumbs from my stale white bread roll and fed them to a sparrow through my cell window'  :)  'Once a bird magnet, always a bird magnet'  ;D
the proscution insulin expert has relenquished his licence for some reason
Jeremy Bamber Case Discussion / Re: Refer or not!
« Last post by ILB on Today at 10:48 PM »
Really?  What's your definition of "very wealthy"? 

To be on a Dorset beach, to go to the supermarket and buy a mango, to have a pot noodle in front or the TV, to enjoy the ballet, to enjoy a simple meal in the local cafe 😀

After 40 years behind the door, a good nights sleep. But you did get my earlier point in what I put anyway.
Jeremy Bamber Case Discussion / Re: Refer or not!
« Last post by ILB on Today at 10:46 PM »
Really?  The fact you perceive it this way does not mean everyone else will!  How is he going to become very wealthy?  What's your definition of "very wealthy"? 

Even if his conviction is overturned no one is going to declare him innocent.  Many will still consider him guilty.  And no one knows how the youger generations will view the case who were either not around or too young to remember.  Then there's a large immigrant population most of whom are probably unfamiliar with the case.  What role would SM play?  Would someone want to take a pop at him?  PR dream?  Or disaster?

Bamber will be sound, he's a strong character.

Guaranteed will probably make his relatives life difficult. In the legal sense. Private prosecution.
Jeremy Bamber Case Discussion / Re: Refer or not!
« Last post by ILB on Today at 10:44 PM »
Really?  The fact you perceive it this way does not mean everyone else will!  How is he going to become very wealthy?  What's your definition of "very wealthy"? 

Read what I said.

Book deals, tv interviews, etc etc, story exclusives. The hype would die down. But the story is fascinating.

You know this. We all perceive this.
Jeremy Bamber Case Discussion / Re: Refer or not!
« Last post by Cambridgecutie on Today at 10:19 PM »
If we say his parents estate was 500k net, which he would have inherited had he not been convicted, this compounded by 5% over 40 years = £3,519,991.70.

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