Author Topic: Reconstruction of Events (4)  (Read 1832 times)

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Offline mike tesko

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Reconstruction of Events (4)
« on: December 16, 2010, 07:12:PM »
Reconstruction of Events (4), between 7:30am, to 8:10am

7:37am - 7:38am:- Upon arrival into the kitchen, the raid team discovered two bodies which they believed  were both deceased - the body of a dead male, and the body of a dead female. Information was relayed from inside the farmhouse, back to the forward control point in a nearby outbuilding, which contained, PS Adams, DCI Harris, DCI Gibbons, and PI Montgomery, that one of the bodies was a murder, and the other was a suicide. This information was then relayed to the occupants of CA07, who were sat in a patrol car that was parked up along pages Lane, about a hundred a fifty yards away, who in turn relayed this information to the control room - a female member of staff who had the christian name, "Linda"...

7:42 - request sent out from the scene, on the instruction of DCI "Terry" Gibbons, for the police surgeon, and the coroners officer, to be contacted regarding two bodies

At 7:45am, "Linda" in the control room, contacted SOCO (DS Neil Davidson at home, and requested that he attend the office, because police at whf were dealing with an incident, involving, a murder, and a suicide...

« Last Edit: December 16, 2010, 07:24:PM by mike tesko »
"Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when we first practice to deceive"...

Offline mike tesko

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Re: Reconstruction of Events (4)
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2010, 07:27:PM »
At the Conclusion of search Downstairs at the farmhouse, two bodies had been found

By the time the search of downstairs had been completed at whf, two bodies had been found, a dead male, and a dead female, one described as a murder, and the other which was known or suspected of being a suicide...
"Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when we first practice to deceive"...

Offline mike tesko

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Re: Reconstruction of Events (4)
« Reply #2 on: December 16, 2010, 07:28:PM »
Raid Team, go upstairs, and find - three further bodies

By the time police got upstairs, and at the conclusion of the search of the premises at 8:10am, a further three bodies had been found upstairs - these being the bodies of June Bamber, and Daniel and Nicholas Caffell...

Five Dead, in total, senior officers invited to come into the farmhouse, which was declared fully searched, safe and secure...

At his point, two bodies had been found downstairs, and a further three bodies had been found upstairs...

However, by the time senior officers set foot into the building, the displacement of bodies was found to be completely different, since, by that stage only one body was found downstairs, this being the body of Ralph Bamber...

Two bodies, downstairs, and three bodies upstairs, had become transformed in one body downstairs, and four bodies, upstairs - exactly how this transition had come about was swept under the carpet...
« Last Edit: December 16, 2010, 07:39:PM by mike tesko »
"Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when we first practice to deceive"...

Offline mike tesko

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Re: Reconstruction of Events (4)
« Reply #3 on: December 16, 2010, 08:03:PM »
Identity of Weapon found Downstairs -  used in alleged Suicide bid

If police reported finding a body downstairs at the scene, which they described as a suicide, it follows that they must have found a weapon which was used?

If Sheila was shot once downstairs, and once upstairs, by use of the same gun, how did the rifle which WPC Julia Jeapes saw leaning up against the bedroom window, at 7:15am, that morning, get downstairs to enable it to be used to fire the non fatal neck wound, and more significantly, how did it get back upstairs into the bedroom, to enable Sheila to kill herself by use of it later - After 8:10am, and end up on top of her body, in time for the police to allegedly find it there?

Why did police, substitute one of the two bullets (PV/20) which wounded and killed Sheila?

Bullet, PV/20, associated with the non fatal neck wound, was fragmented when the pathologist removed it from Shelia's neck during autopsy on 7th August 1985, but by 20th September 1985, this had become transformed into a whole bullet, which enabled the ballistic expert, Malcolm Fletcher, to link and associate to the Bamber rifle

But, was another weapon used to inflict the non fatal injury to the right side of Sheila's throat?

Did this other weapon, have a silencer fitted to the end of its barrel at the time Sheila was shot in the neck, downstairs...
« Last Edit: December 16, 2010, 09:14:PM by mike tesko »
"Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when we first practice to deceive"...