I'm not sure you quite understand the nature of a totalitarian state, which Russia sadly has become. Why did she ask a multitude of lawyers to approve the application, who all refused? What do you think would happen to any of the lawyers who processed her application? https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/dec/23/anti-war-candidate-barred-russia-presidential-election-yekaterina-duntsova
I understand perfectly well the nature of totalitarianism but, unlike you, I also understand perfectly well the nature of propaganda and indoctrination. Nothing would have happened to any lawyers who processed her application except in the fevered imagination of the indoctrinated. From the Guardian article which spins the story as much as they can but facts are stubborn things;
"Duntsova, 40, told reporters her team had assembled the application in a hurry and had trouble finding a lawyer to certify the bid, after dozens of others declined.
She said she had approached the veteran liberal politician Grigory Yavlinsky about the possibility of submitting a new application to stand as a representative of his Yabloko party.
“I hope there will be some kind of reaction … We have similar values in principle,” Duntsova said.
But Yavlinsky said in an interview on YouTube that Yabloko would not back her “because we don’t know her”.
Duntsova had presented papers to the electoral commission less than 72 hours earlier in support of her bid. It was largely ignored by pro-Kremlin state media, which also failed to report on her disqualification." Instead of repeating paranoid fantasies about Putin barring Duntsova because...tyrant bla bla, you should ask a few more questions of such articles rather than simply parroting their demonstrably flawed conclusions.
She is not a serious person or candidate for president. The application was done in a hurry

She has acknowledged that it contained errors

The liberal politician who widely, "shares her views", according to Duntsova refused to back her in standing for the party that he is a member of because, "he doesn't know her"

But you choose to believe that the unknown whose attempts at running for president are serious, despite those efforts so far having included submitting an error strewn application(by her own admission) followed by unsolicited offers to stand for a party who "don't know her".
And all of this reported in western media as Putin silencing his rivals. She never intended to run, Steve. Are you really this naive that you cannot see she is a useful idiot for western intel and media? Her prominence in western media is ridiculously disproportionate for such a fringe unknown idiot. This western media reporting alone tells you who and what she is.