I didn't say that Blood Type A's can't get heart attacks. I was talking in generalities and for the most part older people near to dying age are more likely to die of a heart attack if they're a Blood Type O than a Type A.
Do this test on yourself or your children:
Do you prefer meat to vegetables? Are you generally fine amongst crowds,no nervousness etc. You don't mind loud violent films,you're not squeamish..
Or: are you rather timid,shy as a child,afraid of the dark in your bedroom as a child,prefer vegetables to meat,don't particularly like crowds or social situations..
The first group you're more likely to be the 37% of people in the UK who are Blood Type 0.
The second group you're more likely to be an A(35% of people).
To reiterate: of course Blood Type O's can die of strokes and Blood Type A's can die of heart attacks,just as both groups can die of cancer or a road accident. But if you look at how your grandparents died the odds are if they were an O Blood Type they died of a heart attack,whereas older Blood Type A's are at a greater risk of stroke.