Google maps has two properties which are on Pages Lane. Around 100 yards from WHF.
Assume Nevill owned these and the Foakes's lived in one of them. The other property must have been occupied, otherwise Bamber would be living there.
There is also a building around 30 yards from WHF. This could be a property people were living in. Or it could be a barn. It is a big building, so could be both.
All I know about the Foakes's is they worked for Nevill and lived around a minute walk from WHF.
Assume they had been long term workers & friends to Nevill & June as he allowed them to live so close in one of his properties.
Would like to know more about the Foakes's and other people who lived within a minute of WHF.
These were the nearest people to Nevill and June on the massacre night but were not contacted by Nevill, June or Bamber.
The Foakes' occupied two cottages on Pages Lane, one inhabited by Len and his wife Dorothy, the other by Len's brother, David, and his wife Jill. I think the dwellings must have been rented, because CAL tells us in Chapter 11 that when Jeremy became a permanent fixture at the Farm after his two world trips David was made redundant after working on White House Farm for twenty-five years, but allowed to remain at the cottage. I assume that was at Nevill's discretion.
However David and Len's mother, Kate, was forced to move out of Bourtree Cottage, because, according to farm secretary Barbara Wilson: "
Jeremy wanted that house badly. It wasn't quite "just kick the old biddy out", but it was along those lines." Nevill gave Kate six months notice to leave, but did find her alternative accommodation in Goldhanger.