Author Topic: Article about Sheila's suicide notes.  (Read 5162 times)

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Offline snow66!

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Re: Article about Sheila's suicide notes.
« Reply #30 on: November 11, 2023, 09:16:PM »
That was careless of him.
Probably thought it would go no further.

Offline snow66!

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Re: Article about Sheila's suicide notes.
« Reply #31 on: November 11, 2023, 09:29:PM »
FACT-Farewell letters intended for Sheila's birth mother were found on Sheila's bedroom table and taken as exhibits.Their existance was hidden from the defence and presumably Sheilas birth mother.The police ordered them to be destroyed in 1996,however they survived.

FACT-The police told JBs defence team before his trial that the Blue Bible had been destroyed and no photos of it existed.The police did not disclose to the defence that a note was sticking out of the Bible nor what was written on it,and never have.

Two pieces of evidence that could have been vital for Bamber intentionally hidden by the police.Why?
« Last Edit: November 11, 2023, 09:30:PM by snow66! »

Offline Adam

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Re: Article about Sheila's suicide notes.
« Reply #32 on: November 11, 2023, 09:33:PM »
The police obviously found it hard to destroy a suicide note. Did they not have a shredder?
'Only I know what really happened that night'.

Online ILB

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Re: Article about Sheila's suicide notes.
« Reply #33 on: November 11, 2023, 09:35:PM »
The police obviously found it hard to destroy a suicide note. Did they not have a shredder?

A simple cigarette lighter would suffice
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Offline Rob_

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Re: Article about Sheila's suicide notes.
« Reply #34 on: November 11, 2023, 11:44:PM »
The police obviously found it hard to destroy a suicide note. Did they not have a shredder?

They never had a photo copier either! 

Offline Adam

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Re: Article about Sheila's suicide notes.
« Reply #35 on: November 11, 2023, 11:50:PM »
Seems that SJ was aware of the suicide note. But still went ahead to frame.

Taff was not aware of the suicide note.

Not sure who else was aware of it in EP. However the suicide note stayed in circulation within EP for years.

EP were then told to destroy it in 1996 but did not have a shredder.

The suicide note then ended up in Bamber's prison cell 14 years later in 2010.

The suicide note is with the CT but they have never forwarded it to the media.

SJ mentioned a suicide note years later in an inquiry. Which was careless of him.

It is unclear whether it was in left in June's bible or in Sheila's bedroom. The bible unlikely. The housekeeper said June used to put notes inside it.

More likely the suicide note was left in a different room to where Sheila killed herself.

The suicide note was for Sheila's biological mother. Who she had no contact with.


All sounds plausible.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2023, 12:02:AM by Adam »
'Only I know what really happened that night'.

Offline Rob_

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Re: Article about Sheila's suicide notes.
« Reply #36 on: November 12, 2023, 12:07:AM »
Seems that SJ was aware of the suicide note. But still went ahead to frame.

Taff was not aware of the suicide note.

Not sure who else was aware of it in EP. However the suicide note stayed in circulation within EP for years.

EP were then told to destroy it in 1996 but did not have a shredder.

The suicide note then ended up in Bamber's prison cell 14 years later in 2010.

The suicide note is with the CT but they have never forwarded it to the media.

SJ mentioned a suicide years later in an inquiry. Which was careless of him.

It is unclear whether it was in left in June's bible or in Sheila's bedroom. The bible unlikely. The housekeeper said June used to put notes inside it.

More likely the suicide note was left in a different room to where Sheila killed herself.

The suicide note was for Sheila's biological mother. Who she had no contact with.


All sounds plausible.

Because of the planted silencer.

approx 50% of people with PS who kill themselves do so within 3 months after being discharged from hospital.

Offline Roch

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Re: Article about Sheila's suicide notes.
« Reply #37 on: November 12, 2023, 09:52:AM »

The -so called- 'suicide' notes are fabrication. June put handwritten notes in her bible as aides de memoire for her bible classes. It's not impossible that the "Sheila note" had its inception right here courtesy of one of JB 's supporters.

Do you have anyone in mind for this?  This would imply that the said notes were not in the material released to the defence as per the article. That would imply a conspiracy among the campaign team.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2023, 10:26:AM by Roch »

Offline Jane

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Re: Article about Sheila's suicide notes.
« Reply #38 on: November 12, 2023, 12:10:PM »
Do you have anyone in mind for this?  This would imply that the said notes were not in the material released to the defence as per the article. That would imply a conspiracy among the campaign team.

It was yet another of the many "Evidence exists that.............." posts! (but there was rarely, if ever, any proof to corroborate) so now we have Snow claiming that the police have always had a 'suicide' note in their possession. The question always remains, WHY, IF such a note truly existed, and if the police were SO keen to keep it hidden, did they allow any Tom, Dick, or Harry access to it?

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Re: Article about Sheila's suicide notes.
« Reply #39 on: November 12, 2023, 12:27:PM »
The suicide note in the Bible said'I have just killed myself',obviously left for the police to find.Who else?

Mmm. I wonder how she managed to write that claim after the event?

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Re: Article about Sheila's suicide notes.
« Reply #40 on: November 12, 2023, 12:28:PM »
I cant,the police haven't disclosed it yet Adam.

PISH! How come it was posted here, then?

Offline Jane

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Re: Article about Sheila's suicide notes.
« Reply #41 on: November 12, 2023, 12:33:PM »
FACT-Farewell letters intended for Sheila's birth mother were found on Sheila's bedroom table and taken as exhibits.Their existance was hidden from the defence and presumably Sheilas birth mother.The police ordered them to be destroyed in 1996,however they survived.

FACT-The police told JBs defence team before his trial that the Blue Bible had been destroyed and no photos of it existed.The police did not disclose to the defence that a note was sticking out of the Bible nor what was written on it,and never have.

Two pieces of evidence that could have been vital for Bamber intentionally hidden by the police.Why?

FACT- it has been CLAIMED that "Farewell letters were found................and taken as exhibits".

Offline Jane

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Re: Article about Sheila's suicide notes.
« Reply #42 on: November 12, 2023, 12:46:PM »
The suicide letter has never been disclosed Adam,only mentioned by Stan.
The CT have the farewell letters.

The 'suicide' note to which Stan refers was written/displayed by the tableau he was presented with, ie the body of a mentally ill woman -as explained by her brother- showing suicide-type wounds and still, apparently, holding the weapon..........followed/added to by the discovery of four bodies who had clearly been shot. Such a scene, corroborated by JB, would have 'spoken' volumes. For Stan, I guess she may as well have written a suicide note explaining things because the explanation appeared to be staring him in the face.

Offline Bill Robertson

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Re: Article about Sheila's suicide notes.
« Reply #43 on: November 12, 2023, 12:47:PM »

The -so called- 'suicide' notes are fabrication.
The farewell letters where Sheila told Christine what she planned to do were examined by a handwriting expert about 5 years ago and confirmed to be written by Sheila. The suicide note referred to by Stan Jones has never been seen although the existence of it has been confirmed by Essex Police and the Metropolitan Police. Maybe the CCRC will succeed in getting EP to hand it over.
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Offline Bill Robertson

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Re: Article about Sheila's suicide notes.
« Reply #44 on: November 12, 2023, 12:49:PM »

The 'suicide' note to which Stan refers was written/displayed by the tableau he was presented with, ie the body of a mentally ill woman -as explained by her brother- showing suicide-type wounds and still, apparently, holding the weapon..........followed/added to by the discovery of four bodies who had clearly been shot. Such a scene, corroborated by JB, would have 'spoken' volumes. For Stan, I guess she may as well have written a suicide note explaining things because the explanation appeared to be staring him in the face.
No, it is a document. Jones said it was a note, he did not say, “verily, the tableau before our eyes was suggestive of four murders and a suicide “
« Last Edit: November 12, 2023, 01:12:PM by Bill Robertson »
Julie’s going to Low Newton; remember to pack a toothbrush you lying toe rag, in my opinion