From the evidence of survivors and the actions of all parties in the hostage negotiations, a clearer picture begins to emerge. To anyone who is honest and objective, Israeli intelligence, government and military have a lot of questions to answer. It is possible anyway to piece together the now available testimony and evidence to build a truer picture of events from 7th October onwards.
We know that Egyptian intel warned Israeli intel, and even directly the Israeli PM, that Hamas were planning a large operation. The supposed security failures and surveillance system malfunctions, along with the prior movement of troops all point to some form of op by intel services. It appears that the initial incursion was at least allowed to happen.
The reasons for it being "allowed to happen" are not hard to discern. The propaganda from Israeli and Western officials amplified by their compliant stenographers masquerading as a free media was overwhelming. The same un-evidenced accounts repeated over and over relying on the old, "repeat a lie often enough and it becomes truth" trick.
40 beheaded babies-Never happened. There are thousands of dead Palestinian children and babies. the repeated lie of rapes and beheaded babies, mass slaughter of the ravers. Everyone reading from the same script- a script now being decimated by Israeli hostages and survivors of these alleged events.
The mass slaughter and shooting of attendees of the rave was done by the IDF, not Hamas. This according to the Israelis who survived. The previously linked article to the "Hannibal Directive" becomes very relevant and ominous. Have a quick search on the Hannibal directive and it's relevance becomes obvious and sinister. Israel intended for there to be no witnesses to their own atrocities, nor challenge to their lies, willingly mouthed by every Western government and media outlet.
The current need of all western governments to "protect" the citizenry from "mis" and "dis"-information with ever more censorious laws on social media companies etc., is fairly obviously at this point, a desperate attempt in the new information age to prevent exposure of their lies. Cameras on phones everywhere, alongside social media means everyone is a potential journalist now. Media lies that previously lasted for years, decades, centuries even are now often challenged and debunked within hours.
Despite the Baldrick like "cunning plan" by the Zionists and their enablers, described above, it appears that a twist was added. The Resistance knowing of the Zionist trap,
(ie. allow incursion, kill all militants and hostages(per Hannibal directive), blame Hamas for deaths, gain world approval for ethnically cleansing Gaza) had an even more cunning counter trap which the Israeli's have stepped into and from which they are now unable to extricate themselves.
The trap that the Zionists have been led into can only highlight their weakness. The world, outside of vile apologists in western media/governments and those who still take their ethical guidance from them, are horrified and appalled by the clear war crimes of the Israeli government and military. The much delayed so called ground operation will be indefinitely delayed, in my opinion, on the simple grounds that the Israelis daren't launch a ground operation. Their losses would be huge. Deterrence gone forever.
By not launching the ground operation, they are seen to be weak and scared. What a dilemma!
No ground invasion-seen to be weak
Ground invasion- demonstrated to be weak
The threats are all around and should Israel launch a ground invasion and the collective punishment of Palestinians doesn't end, then Israel will be massively defeated in a regional war. The old status quo is not returning after this. The Zionists have lost their minds and are openly threatening war crimes against the Lebanese next should Hezbollah step in. They are trapped and cornered. Palestine will be getting a recognised sovereign state controlling its own borders. US bases are already being attacked in Syria(3 simultaneously last night). Any US involvement via their posturing with Carrier Battle Groups in or heading to the Med will mean all US bases in the region will be obliterated. The attacks now are a message to the US to stay out. Russia and China both making moves and making clear that the "Collective WestWaste" including Israel will be prevented from fulfilling their plans to ethnically cleanse Gaza and eventually all of Palestine.
It is the end game for the "Empire of Lies", and Nasrallah was correct too. The current entity calling itself Israel will succumb to the 80 year curse of the previous entities, and fail to reach 80.