Interesting opinion on Iran, Israel, USA.
Outside the western media bubble, what Wilkerson is saying is generally accepted truth, Roch and non controversial. The West- US/NATO et al are defeated. Economically, informationally, politically and militarily-the collective west has no answer to the multipolarity being born. The Hegemon is dying a slow death and lashing out in anger and desperation as it does so but it is still dying. NATO, the EU and the colonialist occupiers in Palestine masquerading as Zionism are all about to be resigned to the dustbin of history.
It was and is already well known that Iranian air defence and missile tech is way ahead of western equivalents. I have stated this many times over the years. Iran are too strong for the West to attack. The damage and death that Iran would cause any attacker, even if nuked, is too great for any attack to be contemplated. Israel are weak and without Western support cannot exist. Iran and the wider resistance movement will remove the US presence from the Middle East and once they do, Israel follows. It will collapse from within because it cannot survive in its neighbourly belligerent status without outside military support.
Nobody needs to invade Israel or attempt decapitation of the regime which only invites a rapidly escalating military/nuclear response. Remove the western support and allow Israel to wither has long been the Iranian/resistance strategy. Western belligerence only increases the resistance to US occupation forces and aids Iranian strategy. The world only solidifies more against the collective West the longer the genocide goes on. The, always flimsy, mask of the West has been removed and there is no hiding the arming, funding and complicity in a genocide of the "human rights preaching" West. The political cover being given at the UN etc. all revealed in it's technicolour grotesqueness to the whole, increasingly horrified, world.
It is what happens when you get into a complex geopolitical chess game with the inventors of chess. Out-thought, out maneouvred heading for inevitable defeat.