FOYER > Foyer
Old poster Returns
Hardy Boy:
Hi Formely RJ or Real Justice, thought this might be a good time to return, surely one way or another a CCRC decision is due soon?
--- Quote from: Hardy Boy on August 01, 2023, 08:30:PM ---Hi Formely RJ or Real Justice, thought this might be a good time to return, surely one way or another a CCRC decision is due soon?
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Welcome back!
Hardy Boy:
--- Quote from: ngb1066 on August 01, 2023, 08:56:PM ---Welcome back!
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Thank You NGB
--- Quote from: Hardy Boy on August 01, 2023, 08:59:PM ---Thank You NGB
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I hope you post again because although we have a different view on the Jeremy Bamber case you have always expressed your views in a respectful and well reasoned manner. You can also of course post on subjects other than the JB case if you want.
Hardy Boy:
--- Quote from: ngb1066 on August 01, 2023, 09:07:PM ---I hope you post again because although we have a different view on the Jeremy Bamber case you have always expressed your views in a respectful and well reasoned manner. You can also of course post on subjects other than the JB case if you want.
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Thanks NGB, given time i may well do.
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