DISCLAIMER AND FORUM RULES > Disclaimer and forum rules and guidelines
Admin Team:
This forum has been set up to allow a free and open discussion about the case of Jeremy Bamber and other high profile cases. Please note the following:
The views expressed on this forum are the views of the individuals who post them, and may not reflect the views of Jeremy Bamber or of his legal representatives or of the owner of this forum.
Some of the information on this forum is posted by third parties and is not necessarily accurate in all respects.
Any complaint received by the Admin team about a post which constitutes an attack upon any person and contains information that can not be proven will result in the immediate removal of the offending post and may also result in action against the member responsible for the post.
Please also note that there are images on this forum of a very distressing nature. Please do not view this forum if you are likely to be upset by such images. Parental discretion is advised in relation to access to this forum.
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